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Music Lessons For SEN People


Music can stimulate the intellect, engage the emotions and tickle all the senses, but creating music for people with learning disabilities comes with a fair few pitfalls.  Many children’s songs are full of sudden, noisy clapping, stamping or jumping. Fun for most but sheer agony for anyone with auditory sensitivity.

Children & Adults with SEN can take great comfort and enjoyment from music. Music therapy can be a gentle way to unlock some individuals, using improvisation, performance, dance and singing in one-to-one and group sessions to help them express themselves.

Carefully chosen songs can be a fantastic way of helping people to make sense of the world around them - and even to be understood. 


Songs about daily routines – what they do and when – can reinforce visual timetables; chanting to a drum beat can help slow down often unintelligible speech. Individuals with learning needs can also enjoy learning an instrument, but ensuring that you recruit a teacher who ‘gets’ them and the way they think is more crucial than ever.

Not every budding pianist, with SEN or without, will end up performing at our Hall of Imagination or the Kennedy Center. But as many parents will testify, music, whether heard, sung or composed, can be a unique way of helping people with learning needs take part and become immersed in a rich world of sound that can help to bridge the often vast gap from their world to ours.


The Bill Carroll Foundation along with the Groove Factory partnered up with our fellow organizations will contribute to anyone with SEN and guide them through the beautiful world of music. 

Music Class
Special Needs11
Guitar Lessons
Music Class
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